Winter 2018 Update

Hello everyone,

Just a quick update on the schedule for this upcoming season. We will be offering the pulp and paper merit badge December 8th, but the other merit badges we plan to do are not set in stone yet. We can’t do chemistry this winter sadly, so we are currently trying to put together some new merit badges we haven’t done before. We were thinking Entrepreneurship and one other. If you have any suggestions, you can email me personally at When we have a completed schedule we will post a sign-up sheet here and send it out via email. Thank you all for your patience, and you should hear from us again soon!

Stephen O’Leary, Joe Krisciunas

Fall 2018 Merit Badges

Howdy everyone,

I am terribly sorry for how long it took to give an update on the merit badges for the fall of 2018. There were changes this summer regarding service events for AXE, and I had to make sure things were in order before saying anything. Luckily, our chapter’s merit badge program was not affected! I now have the schedule for this season:

Architecture – September 15

Environmental Science – September 29

Engineering – November 3

Sign up here:

The scheduled times are 10AM to 4PM for all merit  badges. If there is anyone you know that might be interested, please forward them either this website or the google survey!

Thank you for your patience,

Stephen O’Leary

Exploration Merit Badge 04/21/2016

Hey all,

Sorry about the late update! The exploration merit badge will be held this Saturday from 3pm to no earlier than 10pm. Drop off and pick up will be in the usual spot of the main entrance lobby. Also, I will be ordering pizza for the scouts this time since I don’t think the cafeteria will be open. If you’d like to bring $5 that would be nice, but not necessary! I hope to see you all there, and thank you so much for your patience.

Stephen O’Leary

2018-2019 Merit Badge Coordinator AXE

Spring Merit Badge Schedule

Hello again everyone. We have now finalized the dates for each merit badge this quarter. The only uncertainty is whether or not the exploration merit badge will take place in the morning/afternoon or afternoon/evening. Evening is preferred so stars and the moon can be seen during the observatory visit, but if that is not a possibility we will go during the afternoon as usual and look at the sun instead. The dates are:

March 17: Nuclear Science

April 21: Exploration

May 12: Space Exploration

Sign up here:

Thanks everyone!

Stephen O’Leary, Joe Krisciunas

Spring Quarter Merit Badges

Hello everyone, and sorry for the late update. The current tentative plan is to have the Nuclear Science merit badge March 17, the Exploration merit badge April 21, and the Space Exploration merit badge May 5. The exploration and nuclear science merit badges have not been finalized yet. We still need to hear back from the observatory on campus for the exploration merit badge, and it is possible that May 5 is our fraternity’s initiation date which would prevent us from doing the space exploration merit badge that date. We will post a sign up document soon, and send an email out when the schedule is finalized. Thank you for your patience, and we apologize for the late update.

Stephen O’Leary, Joe Krisciunas

Electricity Merit Badge

We will be charging $5 per scout at the upcoming Electricity merit badge. This is due to unforeseen logistical issues, we apologize for the short notice. If you have any questions, feel free to email us or comment on the website.

Winter Merit Badge

Hello everyone,

Here is our Merit Badge schedule for the Winter of 2017-18:

December 9- Pulp & Paper

January 13  – Chemistry

January 27- Programming

February 10- Electricity

Register Here


These Merit Badges will run from 10am until 4pm

Thank You,

Your Merit Badge Coordinators

Postponing the Engineering Merit Badge

Hello everyone,

Unfortunately, something came up and we have to postpone the Engineering merit badge. It will now be October 21st instead of October 14th.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.
Your Merit Badge Counselors