Tag Archives: increasing poverty

Poverty In Terre Haute

The Terre Haute community now more than ever is facing an increasing rate of poverty. According to an Indiana public media article the unemployment rate has increased 11 percent with the relocation of multiple large business. 1 in 3 Terre Haute children are living in poverty since 2009. Vigo county schools have reduced lunch programs and emergency dental care to help low income students. However, state funding has been continuously cut throughout the years, which makes it harder for schools to help as much. The following map shows the poverty levels in Terre Haute:

According to this map there are some areas have 50% of their citizens living below poverty levels. The same article compared the poverty level in Terre Haute to the state of Indiana and it shows that the poverty level percentage is double the state of Indiana. The Ryves Up! program is trying to help students by teaching them how to grow produce instead of just donating food, which helps them learn a new trade that will help them in the future.