- Born Joshua Brandon, June 4, 1970, in Mankato, Minnesota. Not dead yet.
- Married Lana Holmes, April 9, 1994, in Norwich, Vermont. (We combined our names. Get it?)
- There’s more personal information on my Facebook page.
- A.B. in Mathematics, Harvard University, 1992.
- A.M. in Mathematics, Brown University, 1994.
- Ph.D. in Mathematics, Brown University, 1998.
- Postdoctoral position, Mathematics Department, University of Massachusetts, 1997–1999.
- Postdoctoral position, Mathematics Department, Duke University, 1999–2001.
- Tenure-track position, Mathematics Department, Rose-Hulman Insitute of Technology, 2001–present.
- I used to be a member of the extremely (something) Luxuriant Flowing Hair Club for Scientists™. Here are pictures. Now that I’ve cut my hair, I guess I’m a member of the Luxuriant Former Hair Club for Scientists™.