Publications and Talks

  • The links marked “publisher” point to the electronically published version of an article. Typically, the publisher will have an abstract of the article freely available, as well as links to other articles in the journal or collection. They will also have links for paid subscribers only, which include full-text versions of the article in various formats and perhaps also other information.
  • The links marked “xxx” point to a version of an article at the archive at <>. This archive will have the abstract and full text of the article freely available in various formats.
  • The links marked “slideshare” point to a version of a talk posted at <>.  This site hosts slideshows which can be freely viewed in your web browser or downloaded in PDF and/or PowerPoint versions.
  • The links marked “abs” point to a local text-only version of an abstract, which is typically faster but harder to read than the other versions.
  • The links marked “pdf” (resp. “html”) point to a local PDF (resp. HTML) full-text version of a paper or talk.
  • The links marked “web page” point to some other non-local version of the paper or talk.